Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Don't worry, its not your fault you're fat!

This makes me laugh:

How wonderful! Just another way to teach adults how to NOT act like responsible people. Just shove another "Magic Pill" their way! That'll sell. ... If only it wasn't so PAINFULLY obvious that this is another money ploy, or a doctor's lame attempt at fame. "Oh! I discovered the fat virus! No wonder obesity is so rampant!" No, it has nothing to do with fast food and being sedentary, apparantly.

Even if this is plausible, that a virus could cause fat, they miss a VERY important point: How to NOT get it in the first place. Heavy people had it while thinner people didn't. I wonder why? Mabye the thin people were HEALTHY! They say that in the study it didn't matter about lifestyle, but they ignore the fact that carrying extra weight in and of itself will tax the immune system. Clearly, if you are healthy, you won't be contracting any virus in the first place. So, if a virus DOES contribute to excess weight, it could only be plausible that you are fat first (from poor habits) and then get the virus, not the other way around.

They also don't mention if a proper lifestyle will overcome the supposed fat-gaining symptoms of the virus. I doubt they'll ever even look into that, either on account of 1) its fake, or 2) they don't care about our health, only about making a profit from it. So be on the lookout for future fat vaccinations. If this information takes hold (as it likely will in our gullible public), you can be sure to expect one in the not-so-distant future. And chances are, it won't work! I wonder why...?

Come on people. Let's face it. If you're heavy, own up. Admit you have not ACTUALLY tried EVERYTHING. Maybe you tried South Beach. Maybe you tried starving yourself. Maybe you tried any number of unhealthy, unsuccessful ways to try and lose weight. How about doing it the REAL way? How about filling in your diet with healthy, satisfying foods like vegetables and fruit? Don't deny food. You're so hungry because the food you eat now is so DEVOID of any real nutrition. If you add in good food, you'll be filling that nutritional gap that has been causing your cravings in the first place.

Its not about will-power, its about figuring out why you are sick (and yes, you are sick, but its nobody's fault but your own) and fixing it. Do you eat donuts for breakfast? That's a problem. Fix it. Have fruit and oatmeal instead. Try goji berries for some energy (works for me) and maybe some nuts for protien. But don't just sit there and spend all that energy finding ways to blame something else. Take responsibility. Be an adult. Take a daily walk and eat more vegetables. Its really not THAT difficult.

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